How to Manage Multiple Domains in One Account?

Managing multiple domains from one hosting account is easy but will require you to be careful and correctly configure some DNS settings and create addon domains.

Addon domains are a type of virtual hosting that allows you to manage multiple domains from a single hosting account. Addon domains share the hosting account’s resources with the main domain.

Basically, guests to your addon domain will be directed to this directory. You may specify the name and exact location of this directory when creating the addon domain. It’s not necessarily a requirement that an addon domain’s directory be in public_html though it’s generally considered good practice.

For example, the addon domain’s public_html subdirectory will be ~/public_html/


  1. Specify the primary name servers eg NS1 and NS2.  This is done by Clicking the Modify Servers link (or a similar link) will allow us to view and change the domain’s primary nameservers. Once our nameservers are set up, we can create the addon domain.
  2. Create the addon Domain. We can use cPanel’s Addon Domains feature, in the Domains section of the cPanel interface.

a)   Enter the addon domain’s domain name in the New Domain Name field. In this case, we will enter

b)   Ensure the FTP username is appropriate in the next field. In this scenario, we will leave it as its default value, additiondomain.

c)   Make sure that the document root is in the appropriate place. In this example, we will use the default value, ~/public_html/

d)   Enter and confirm the password you want to use with this domain in the appropriate fields. This password will be used for the domain’s MySQL and FTP accounts.

e)   Click the Add button.

  1. Verify that the domain’s IP is set up correctly. We can use cPanel’s Advanced DNS Zone Editor to review and change DNS information.
  2. After the Domain is properly configured, the DNS information will begin to transmit. This could also take a few hours, so remain patient. Once it has, the addon domain will be publicly accessible.
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