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Cpanel Web Hosting

[vc_row][vc_column][bluishostabout title=”CPANEL WEBHOSTING IN NIGERIA” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]Truehost Cloud Nigeria is the leading cpanel webhosting provider in Nigeria.

Provides the most feature-rich cpanel web hosting.

Some of the features included in the Truehost Cloud Nigeria Cpanel hosting include:


This is a combination of features related with manipulation of files including:

File Upload

Image Upload

Directory creation/deletion/rename

File and Directory Permission

FTP Connections

Backup features among others.[/bluishostabout][vc_single_image image=”248″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center”][bluishostabout]

File manager

Most common used feature that opens directories, allow creation of new directories, upload, create, rename, update and delete of files.

FTP Accounts

Allow creation and management of FTP Accounts for the Cpanel account.


Allow backup and download of different directories including /home , /mysql and full account backup.

Further allow file transfer via FTP, SFTP, SSH from the server to another server.[/bluishostabout][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][bluishostabout title=”BILLING AND SUPPORT MODULE” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]These are option that allow cpanel hosting customers to seek support from Truehost. Options included:

New & Annoucement

All new and announcement items from Truehost are listed here.

Manage Billing Information

Allow customers to change or add new billing information.

Download Resources

This is the Truehost Download Center – where you can download any file or any other resource.

View Email History

Any email from Truehost can be read from here

Open Ticket

Allow Cpanel Webhosting clients to raise support tickets to Truehost Cloud Nigeria Support Team

View Support Ticket

Allow clients to view raised tickets or ticket history.[/bluishostabout][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][bluishostabout title=”DATABASES” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]This is an option on Cpanel Webhosting that allow set up, upload and manipulation of databases.

Mysql Databases

This is where you create databases

Create Users

Assign Users to particular databases

Assign permission to users on how to manage the assigned databases[/bluishostabout][vc_single_image image=”253″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][bluishostabout title=”PHPMYADMIN” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]Very important module that allow upload of databases.

Manipulation of database data.

Allow clients to interact with database data.

Truehost Cloud Nigeria Cpanel Webhosting supports MYSQL and PostgreSQL database types.[/bluishostabout][bluishostabout title=”SEO AND MARKETING TOOLS” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]A combination of resources that allow Cpanel hosting customers to improve Search Engine Optimization of their websites.

Tools included include:

Get in Google

Involve submission of website to Google for indexing with google search engine.

Link Building

Allow creation of content that creates backlink to your website.[/bluishostabout][bluishostabout title=”DOMAINS” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]A collection of features for domain management including adding addon domains, creating subdomain to a domain name, adding domains as alias domain, and domain and directory redirection management.

Simple Zone Editor, Advanced Zone Editor, Zone Editor are tools to manage domain name dns information including A record, CNAME, TXT Records, – allow linking of domain with web hosting server. It is also important in perfoming domain ownership verification activities.[/bluishostabout][vc_single_image image=”254″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][bluishostabout title=”METRICS” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]It’s a module that gives statistics and analytic view of the website(s) hosted within the Cpanel Web hosting Account.

Statistics including visitors visiting the website and their activities. Errors, Bandwidth, Awstats, Google Rankings among other statistics.[/bluishostabout][bluishostabout title=”SECURITY” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]Security module deals with SSH access to the Cpanel Hosting Account. Gold Hosting package and above come with SSH access. Silver hosting and the free bronze hosting do not have SSH Access.

Other Features supported on Security module include SSL/TLS installation and Management tool.

ModSecurity is an important security feature of Truehost Cloud Cpanel Web Hosting which monitors files and data being uploaded to the website in additional to logins and normal web traffic.

Modsecurity works closely with firewall and server security to carry out preemptive and reactive measures to prevent unauthorized access and activities on the Cpanel webhosting account.[/bluishostabout][bluishostabout title=”SOFTWARE MODULE” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]Software module is a collection of important third party software on the cpanel hosting account. Some of the software include

MultiPHP – allow selection of php version for specific directory.

Multiphp.ini – a feature that allow creation of custom php.ini for different directories.

Softaculous App installer – this is the one click application installer that allow installation of 300+ CMS and scripts including WordPress, Joomla, Opencart, Magento among others.

Others include cloudflare, sitebuilders, perl module e.t.c[/bluishostabout][bluishostabout title=”ADVANCED MODULE” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]Allow management of advanced modules including.

Cronjobs – this involves scheduling of scripts to perform certain automated tasks.

Others include Virus Scanner, TrackDNS, Indexes, Error Pages, Apache Handlers.[/bluishostabout][vc_single_image image=”255″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][bluishostabout title=”PREFERENCE MODULE” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]A module that consist of user customization

Password and Security – allow setting and changing of account credentials – password.

Change Language – allow change of language to language of preference.

Change of Style – allow change of theme and style to user preference on the Cpanel Webhosting account.

Others include: user manager, contact information[/bluishostabout][bluishostabout title=”SITE BUILDER AND SOFTACULOUS APPS” titlecolor=”#ffa500″]This is a showcase of different themes that are available for use in that particular Cpanel Webhosting account site builder.

Softaculous has collection of 300+ applications available on one click installation. Some of these scripts and applications include: wordpress, joomla, magento, opencart, open real estate, drupal, osclass, phpmyadmin, among others all available on Truehost Cloud Cpanel Web hosting account in Nigeria[/bluishostabout][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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