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7 SURE Places To Learn Blogging in Nigeria (FREE)

Last updated on December 20th, 2023 at 07:47 am

If you want to make money online and you are looking for where to learn blogging in Nigeria, this post will help you with the answers to your questions.

Let us start with a brief history of Blogging.

In 1994, when blogs began, a blog was more of a personal diary that people shared online. In this journal, they could talk about their daily life or share about things ongoing in their daily activities. Then, people saw an opportunity to communicate information in a new way online. Thus began the beautiful world of blogging.

The word blog is actually a shortened form of its original name; “weblogs”. It is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first at the top, allowing early internet users to “log” the details of their day in diary-style entries, so that its readers could comment, thus creating a more common community, that is sprung up around popular blog. 

It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

Today, there are more than 570 million blogs on the web. The number of bloggers in the USA alone is set to reach 31.7 million users by 2020. In Nigeria, a rising number of people are delving into blogging daily, because it is a new medium for communicating live topics that matter to interested readers and in reverse, creating a community of discussion.

Thence, ‘Blogging’, refers to writing, photography, and other media that is self-published online, started as an opportunity for individuals to write diary-style entries of individual persons, but then it has since been incorporated into websites for many businesses, demanding a collection of skills that one needs to run and supervise the blog. 

This entails equipping a web page with tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier on the internet. The hallmarks include frequent updates, informal language, and opportunities for readers to engage and start a conversation.

Where to learn blogging in Nigeria


If you are looking for resources to learn blogging in Nigeria, then YouTube is your best option. You can get hundreds of free tutorials there with just a simple search.

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Some of these tutorials are comprehensive, while others are not, so you need to sieve through everything to find the right ones that have the right information that could be helpful to you.

The downside is that most free information doesn’t talk about everything, people tend to hide secrets and then share them in their paid courses.

Therefore, if you want the full package, you need to buy the premium plan, however, if you don’t have money, you can start with the free YouTube resources.

2. Free training resources

There are a lot of other free training resources on blogs, Coursera and Udemy that you can use to learn blogging.

These resources show you how to start a blog from scratch. Some people are benevolent with this type of information and you can tap into them

3. Nigerian blogs 

Some Nigerian blogs now write on how to start a blog for free on their website, you can Google it and look for the ones that appeal to you so as to learn one or two new things.

4. Nigerian bloggers

Creating and selling courses online is now a gold mine because a lot of people are willing to pay money for information they don’t have.

Some experts create courses for learners to learn how to start a blog in Nigeria. You will have to pay a certain amount of money to get this information but most times it’s worth it.

Check for reviews about the course creator before paying for the course. Sometimes their ads come to your feed on FB, Instagram or any other social media platforms.

You will need to search for them if they don’t come to you.

Free and paid courses to learn blogging in Nigeria

1. 31 Days to Build a Better Blog

Darren Rowse has been blogging since 2002 and he runs the most popular blogging-related blog called Problogger. He’s probably the first professional blogger who started how to build a successful blog and his blog is read by millions of people worldwide. 

His premium blogging course “31 Days to Build a Better Blog” is widely popular and is enrolled by over 20,000 people worldwide. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use and practical course around blogging as a beginner, this one’s a must for you.

2. Built to Blog

Ryan Robinson is the founder of a 6-figure blog called RyRob that gets over 400K visitors a month. His premium bloggers online training course called ‘Built to Blog’ teaches you how to generate your first 10k visitors and generate 6-figures from blogging.

3. Jon Morrow’s Freedom Machine

Jon Morrow is the founder of SmartBlogger which is a six-figure blog and he mostly teaches about building profitable websites online. His premium course ‘Freedom Machine’ is one of the best premium courses around blogging. Although most of Jon Morrow’s courses are expensive they provide you with huge value with lots of practical advice.

4. Superstar Blogging

‘Superstar Blogging’ is created by Matthew Kepnes who’s the founder of the most popular travel blog “Nomadic Matt”.

He is an American travel blogger and New York Times bestselling author and he created this course to teach you everything about running a successful online business.

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5. Blogging for a Living: Perfect Small Budget Project

Blogging for a Living is a premium blogging course from Udemy and the course created by Theo McArthur. It is one of the most widely popular and high-rated blogging courses on the Udemy platform.

6. Blogging Masterclass: build a successful blog in 2022 and beyond

 ‘Blogging Masterclass’ is a premium blogging course from Skillshare which Brad Merrill creates. This course is already enrolled by over 6000 students and it contains over 8 lessons with 3+ hours of content.

7. Build a Successful Creative Blog

“Build a Successful Creative Blog” is a highly rated premium blogger online training from ‘Creative Live’. This course is created by April Bowles-Olin who is a writer, creative business consultant, and marketing strategist.

8. The Complete WordPress Website Business Course

Do you want to know how to create all kinds of commercial websites using WordPress, from portfolio to eCommerce sites? Don’t know how to build a WordPress site without coding skills? This Udemy course can help you with all that.

9. ProBlogger PLUS Membership (Free)

If you’re looking for a FREE blogging course from ProBlogger, this one is just for you. It is created by the pro blogger himself Darren Rowse who is a veteran of 15 years of blogging.

10. SEO Unlocked: Your Free SEO Training Course (Free)

Successful blogging is all about generating more traffic and converting that into sales. Building a profitable blog without generating more traffic from search engines like Google is almost impossible. 

That’s why you need to learn and implement SEO to increase your organic traffic. When it comes to learning SEO, Neil Patel is the BEST guy. Neil is offering a free SEO training course for beginners called “SEO Unlocked”.

11. HubSpot’s Blogging Courses (Free)

HubSpot is one of the leading inbound marketing websites that offers marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM software. They also offer several digital marketing courses, including free courses around blogging.

12. Build a Blog in 7 Days with Ryan Robinson (Free)

Are you looking for a FREE blogging course designed by a successful blogger? Then, you should definitely enroll in the “Build a Blog in 7 Days” course.

Types of Blogs (+ Examples)

There are types of blogs, and blog niches. A niche is the blog’s specific topic — think; travel, cooking, pets, etc. The type is the broad category the blog falls into, which has a lot to do with the blog’s purpose. The blog you choose will depend on your targeted audience and what you’re trying to accomplish.

To get a clearer picture, below are examples of 5 of the most common types of blogs.

1. Personal Blogs

Personal bloggers were the pioneers of the blogging world, and they’re still around today and will be for more days. In a personal blog, the author shares their thoughts, insights, and experiences from a first-person perspective.

Personal bloggers usually have a unique view of the world  — maybe they struggle with a mental or chronic illness, they’re a single parent, or they’ve overcome a major life obstacle and want to share their experiences to inspire and connect with readers.

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If you have a unique perspective and a message that would resonate with your audience, if you have rational thoughts, then starting a personal blog could be a super rewarding experience for any individual in it. ‘Dead or Alive is a great example of a personal blog. Blogger Adrian Kulp shares his personal challenges (and rewards) as a stay-at-home father.

2. Personal Brand Blogs

If you want to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, a personal brand blog is a great way to do it. A personal brand is an individual trademark — a proactive way to position yourself in your space and convince people to work with you instead of the other guy. Neil Patel says, a personal brand blog should answer the questions, “who are you and why should I care?”

Think of it as the business card of the internet age. A business card on steroids. One that gets you massive traffic along with great quality sales leads.

3. Business Blogs

A business blog (or a corporate blog) is similar to a personal branding blog, except you’re promoting a business, instead of an individual — and most of the time, the content is less personal and more informational.

If you own a plumbing business, you might write a post like “3 Easy Ways to Unclog Your Toilet Fast” — an article that will help readers solve a problem, and bring in new clients (who aren’t digging the DIY method!)

Search engines like Google reward websites for providing relevant information consistently, so blogging about your business and writing helpful informational articles is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your website.

4. Affiliate Blogs

These are some of the most profitable types of blogs. Affiliate bloggers sell goods and services related to their niche and get a commission for each sale. As an affiliate blogger, you’ll write three kinds of posts:

  1. Product reviews
  2. How-to posts
  3. Product tutorials

You’ll add affiliate links throughout your blog posts, and when readers click and buy, you get a cut of the sale. To succeed in affiliate marketing, you’ll need to position yourself as an expert in your niche, cultivating trust in your reader base so they feel confident the products you promote will add value to their lives.

5. Niche Blogs

A niche blog is simply the primary topic a blog covers. Examples include: health, crafting, sports and parenting, among many others (more on that later!) Most blogs (outside of business blogs) have a particular niche.

For example, one of the blogs listed above, “Dead or Alive,” is a personal blog (that’s its blog type) within the parenting niche. Similarly, Nicholas Kusmish’s blog is a personal brand blog, within the marketing niche. You can easily monetize a niche blog — you just need to get to know your audience on a deeper level and offer a product or service (like ebooks or coaching) they’ll find super valuable.

What it takes to start a blog in Nigeria 

To start a blog in Nigeria, you need to be an active learner who desires to learn and grow.

You need to start a blog with web hosting and a domain name. The blog needs web hosting for housing your blog files and a domain name for identity on the internet.

After putting the above in place, the next is to write and keep promoting your website to grow its traffic and make money eventually.


Where to learn blogging in Nigeria is not the issue, but putting into practice everything you can learn and being consistent is what will make the difference in your online journey.

Therefore, don’t just learn how to start a blog; start one instead. Buy your hosting and domain to design your blog as soon as possible so you don’t lose your zeal.

If you start your blog today, you can earn a living doing that over time.

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