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How To Get Domain Name Privacy Protection in Nigeria

You are going to learn how to protect your domain privacy.

I bet you have already started receiving some unsolicited emails from strangers asking you to hire them for either SEO or web design.

That sucks!

If you wish to know how to keep them away, this is the article for you.

Why does domain privacy matter? 3 reasons

You might be wondering, what can go wrong if your domain privacy is not protected, well, hear these out.

#1. You get bombarded with unsolicited sales calls or worse, scammed

I know of a close friend with more than five domains.

And before he had domain privacy installed, he used to receive at least seven emails per day.

His inbox looked something this;

email spammers in Nigeria

Now, imagine such emails coming into your primary address or business email daily.

Scary, right?

And that is not worse.

Sometimes, they look really legit.

Scammers take your contact details and rob you in broad daylight.

And you might end up buying things you don’t really need.

#2. Your personal data can be accessed by anyone

Remember when you registered your domain?

You provided contact details including your phone number and email address.

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Heck, even your home address.

Hold onto your seat buddy, because what I am about to tell you might shake your roots.

Not to sound scary, but without domain name privacy protection, that data can be accessed by anyone online.

This is a huge risk especially if you in the process of building something huge or creating a project you’d like to keep under the radar.

#3. You risk getting hacked

Remember how much it took you to bring your website to where it is today?

Imagine all of that effort going by wind, like boof! Never existed!

Now stop imagining and get domain name privacy protection because that can happen anytime.

Websites get hacked every day.

In fact, by 2021, a business will fall victim to ransomware every 11 seconds.


Guess what?

99.9% of accounts get hacked because of this one single reason.

Not using multi-factor authentication.

See, most accounts get hacked because of weak passwords. 

Sadly, most people use their names or personal details to create passwords.

And with your details online, hackers can easily implement password spraying to hack into your website.

Once they gain control, they can transfer it to someone else without your consent.

Want to avoid that, don’t you?

One, use complex passwords and implement 2-factor authentication.

Two, get domain name privacy protection in Nigeria.

How to protect your domain name in Nigeria

There are two ways to get domain protection in Nigeria.

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The first option is to add ID protection as you are ordering a new domain.

Domain Name Privacy Protection in Nigeria

Just tick the box and it will be added to your cart.

But what if you already have a registered domain?

Well, you have to order it separately then.

But there is a condition;

The domain (s) you are protecting need to be registered with us.

If that’s not the case, you can transfer it to us and then order the ID protection.

Now, to order, log into your client area and click on order new service.

Scroll down until you see the ‘Domain Addon’ tab.

Domain Name Privacy Protection in Nigeria

Click Order Now and complete the process.

Alternatively, click on this link to go directly to the addon.

Congratulations on getting your domain name privacy protection in Nigeria


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