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How Much Is A Domain Name in Nigeria?

how much is a domain name in nigeria

In this article, we will answer the nagging question – How much is a domain name in Nigeria? If you are here, you are most likely trying to set up a website for yourself or your business. We understand that you’ve visited several pages and the prices have been varying and you are confused about what the right price for your desired domain and extension is so as to get everything you need and still not be scammed.

Do not fret anymore because you’ve come to the right place. We will show you how much a domain name costs across different domain extensions. We will also compare prices from different domain registrars in Nigeria. In the end, you will be able to have a specific price that fits both your needs and isn’t cost-prohibitive.

Why Do Domain Name Prices Vary

As you have probably already noticed, domain prices vary from extension to extension and also from registrar to registrar. This is due to a number of reasons which we will briefly go over now.

The first is what is called registry fees. Domain names and extensions are not actually held by the domain registrars. They are held by organizations called domain registries. The domain registries hold specific domain extensions, like Verisign for .com and .net and the NIRA for .ng domains. For every domain registered by the domain registrars, the domain registries take a fee. These fees vary from extension to extension, thereby causing a variance in the price of domain extensions.

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The volume of domains a domain registrar registers over a period of time also affects how much they will charge. A domain registrar that does high volumes can afford to cut down prices since they can spread profits over.

Other factors include currency fluctuations, restrictions, exclusivity, special offerings, and support costs.

How Much Is A Domain Name in Nigeria

Now that we understand why prices of domain names are different, we can now go on to answer the nagging question – How much is a domain name in Nigeria? To do this, we will look into the most popular domain extensions and their prices among the top domain registrars in Nigeria.

The Price of the .com Domain Name

The .com domain name is one of the first domain name extensions. It is also the most popular and is usually the first choice for most people and businesses. This is because it is popular and therefore easy to remember.

Truehost NigeriaGoDaddyWhogoHostUpperLink
.com domain2,500.00$5.014,7004, 700

The Price of the .ng Domain Name

The .ng domain .ng is the top-level domain extension for Nigeria. It is a popular choice for businesses operating or looking to operate in Nigeria. Having a .ng domain is good for many reasons as well as limitations.

Truehost NigeriaWhogohostUpperlink
.ng domain8, 400N9,500.009,500

The Price of the .co Domain Name

The .co domain extension is mostly used by companies, mostly as a second choice to the .com. The .co has its own advantage. This advantage is in the specificity. When people see a .co domain, they already know it’s from a company. Therefore it has a more professional look than other domain extensions.

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Truehost NigeriaUpperlinkGoDaddy
.co domain10, 750.00

The Price of the Domain Name

The is a second-level domain extension for Nigeria. It is usually a second choice to .com and .ng. However, it still has its own charm as a lot of professionals and companies across Nigeria use it for their websites.

Truehost NigeriaUpperlinkWhogohost domain900.001,200N1,200.00

The Price of the .africa Domain Name

The .africa domain extension is the extension dedicated to Africa. It is best for startups and organizations who are looking to have continent-wide coverage or are providing services specific to the continent.

Truehost NigeriaWhogohostUpperlink
.africa domain2400.00N13,000.008650.00

The Price of the .org Domain Name

The .org domain extension is obviously a short form of the word organization. As a result, it is favored mostly by organizations of all kinds. It also has a formal or professional touch to it, like the .co and the .com

Truehost NigeriaGoDaddyWhogohost
.org domain3500.00$10.175,900.00

Choosing A Domain Registrar

Now that we have the specific prices for each domain extension, it is time to choose a domain registrar. Choosing a domain registrar can be really hard. We hope we will be able to help you make it easy.

In choosing a domain registrar, the first thing to look out for is pricing. Thankfully, we have done a breakdown of prices for you in this article, so you don’t have to be confused about that.

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The next thing is the complimentary services. This means that your domain registrar should be able to provide similar services like web hosting, SSL, Email hosting, etc. This will save you the stress of moving your domain around to get those services.

Other things to look out for include Pricing and Registration Period, Domain Expiration Policies and hidden fees.

Our Recommendations

For our recommendation on what extension to choose is to look into the description we have written for each extension. However, this list is not anywhere near exhaustive so please look for more domain extensions before choosing one for your website. However, when you are in doubt, choose .com. It works for all.

For the domain registrar to use, we recommend Truehost Nigeria. As you have seen above, Truehost had the best prices for almost every extension. This however is not a front for poor services, as Truehost’s services are reliable and trusted. Also, Truehost has all the domain extensions you need.

TrueHost Cloud is one of the most sought-after hosting services in Nigeria. This is because it offers the cheapest packages in web hosting and domain name registration in Nigeria. TrueHost, however, is not only affordable, but it is also reliable and very easy to use.

TrueHost Cloud Nigeria focuses on providing web hosting and domain registration in Nigeria. On top of that, TrueHost is really concerned about the businesses it is working with. We have a responsive customer service team working hard all day just to make you happy and your website run smoothly.

To cap it all off, when you buy a domain with us, you qualify for one-month free hosting to help you start your website off.

Check out all TrueHost’s domain registration packages and buy yours now!

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