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How To Get Free Domain Name Registration In Nigeria

free domain name registration in nigeria

In this article, we will show you how to get free domain name registration in Nigeria. If you are looking to set up your website but don’t have much money yet, this guide will show you how to get a free domain name and cut your costs. We have written this article to help business owners and individuals to set up their websites at the minimum costs possible.

Before getting into the step-step guide to getting a free domain name, we will go through the meaning and importance of a domain name. We will also give tips on how to choose a great domain name and how to choose a great domain name registrar. We will then get into the different options available to get a free domain name.

Let’s dive in.

What is a Domain Name

A domain name is simply the name of your website. A domain name is usually made up of a name (consisting of a set of alphanumeric characters), and an extension(.com, .ng, .com.ng, .org, etc.).

In more detail, a domain name is an identity unique to each website that users can attach to a website. Every domain name is associated with a unique IP address.

All computers connected to the internet has a unique IP address assigned to it. Every website on the web has its own IP address. These IP addresses are, however, very difficult to know and remember. They are made up of numbers and numerical symbols that typical everyday people cannot afford to memorize. To solve this problem and make it easy for users to remember the names of a website and even several others, the domain name was devised.

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Through the Domain Name System(DNS), there is a correspondence between IP addresses and their corresponding domain names. Domain namesake it possible for users to memorize a website and type into the browser quickly.

Why Do You Need A Domain Name

As we have explained earlier, your website is being hosted on a server. Its location on the server can be accessed by an IP address. However, IP addresses are very hard to remember. As a result, we have domain names to help users easily access and remember your website on the world wide web. This simplification helps your website in many ways.

  • One, it helps users revisit your site. Without a website, users will not be able to remember your website when they want to revisit it later. This will make you lose a lot of leads and revisits. Now, with a good domain name in place, your users can easily come back whenever they want.
  • Two, it helps you build a strong brand. Your domain name is an essential part of your brand effort. Every brand effort needs your target market to be constantly exposed and for them to easily remember your brand. A good domain name helps to do just that.
  • Three, you basically have no other choice. You can’t be peddling IP addresses around in this and time. Every platform and indeed the whole internet is already optimized for URLs with domain names. All your competitors and indeed most of the internet uses domain names. You really have no choice but to register good domain names for your websites.
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Now, we have learned the importance of a domain name, we will briefly go through tips to choosing a great domain name.

How to Choose a Good Domain Name

Choosing a good domain name is very important for your website. If you do not choose a good domain name, the entire purpose of domain names is already defeated. To choose a good domain name, follow these simple steps.

Make it short and easy to type: Having a long domain name reduces the possibility of your user remembering it. A short and uncomplicated domain name is enough.

No hyphens and numbers: It is better to avoid hyphens in your domain name. Many users will not remember that there was a hyphen. They would just type the whole thing if they remember at all. Numbers too can be very tricky. As much as you can avoid them.

Appropriate domain extensions: Domain extensions are the alphabets after the dot in a website address. Examples are com, .net or .com.ng. They are very important and it is important you choose the one that suits your business the most.

To read more about choosing a good domain name, check here.

How To Get Free Domain Name Registration

Unfortunately, at Truehost Nigeria, we currently do not offer free domain name registration in Nigeria. However, we still have another option that can reduce your costs of setting up your website.

When you pay for a domain name on our platform, we offer you free web hosting. The web hosting plan includes everything you need to start your website at very little cost.

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You can read about it here.

Register your domain name now to get free web hosting 

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