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Domain Names Offered by Truehost

Last updated on December 14th, 2020 at 01:30 pm

Domain Names

In this article, we tell you about the domain names offered by Truehost Cloud Nigeria, Nigerian domain registration and web hosting company.

Domains are short and unique names used to identify websites on the internet. TrueHost Domains are unique names to help you provide identity to your website and be located easily by website users. TrueHost allow users to search, register and transfer domain names at best prices.

TrueHost provides domains globally. TrueHost is ranked as the best domain registrant and accredited by NIRA to provide .ng Nigerian domain.

  1. .ng open to anyone to register it for 12000 NG.
  2. ng for family and personal use.
  3. ng for open-domain access by anyone.
  4. ng for commercial businesses and entities at 1800 NG.
  5. ng for Nigerian tertiary institutions.
  6. ng for Nigerian academic institutions.
  7. ng for mobile devices.
  8. ng suited for organizations and non-profit companies.
  9. for Nigerian internet services.
  10. XYZ at 1000 NG.

and by KENIC to register domains in Kenya.

  1. for commercial companies and enterprise,
  2. for academic institutions.
  3. ke for network-level providers.
  4. .ke top-level domain in Kenya.
  5. reserved for government bodies in Kenya
  6. for personal blogs domains in Kenya.

For domain name registration in Kenya, follow the link.

Domain services available at TrueHost

  • Domain name system management tool to control your DNS record.
  • Domain defender protection.
  • Free for custom WHOIS records.
  • Free Let’s Encrypt certificate with every registered domain at TrueHost.
  • Email forwarding to automatically other emails to valid email addresses.
  • URL forwarding to redirect traffic from one domain to another.
  • Transfer call to protect your domain from unauthorized domain transfer.

How to register TrueHost Domains?

  1. Visit TrueHost website to check and register a single domain or multiple domain names.
  2. Check for the domain availability by typing your preferred domain in the domain search box.
  3. If the domain is available, complete the form by filling your personal information and contact details which will help in filling your WHOIS document.

To complete the registration process, you need to pay for the domain either in Naira for Nigerian domain or Kenyan shillings. A domain is registered at Ksh 570/= and renewed for 1000/= in Kenya.

How to pay for TrueHost domains

Before paying you are required to make an order from the client area so that you can receive an invoice in your email. The payments method includes PayPal, MPESA and bank transaction through equity bank. Visit for more details on the different methods of paying and the account numbers.

  1. After registering the domain, link your website using the domain manager by entering the name of the primary and secondary servers provided by TrueHost. The domain will uniquely identify your website.
  2. If you have registered for a domain at TrueHost and you do not have an acting website, with every hosting plan at TrueHost, you will have a Cpanel with an inbuilt website builder to help in creating and designing a website. Any person can create a website with a website builder. With drag and drop, you can use WordPress to create content for your site.
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Advantages of having registered domains at TrueHost

  • Increase SEO ranking.
  • Increase credibility. Registered domains edify you, customers, on what your business entails.
  • With a registered domain, you can have a professional email address to increase your online brand.
  • TrueHost domains remain intact in a case where you decide to transfer a website to another host.
  • TrueHost domains are cheap and reliable to serve you globally.

Check out TrueHost’s domain registration packages to get started

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